Early in his career, between 1923 and 1927, Walt Disney produced the ‘Alice’ series of cartoons. These delightful cartoons owed their success to both a clever use of special effects – cartoon characters interacting with a live young girl cleverly superimposed within the frame – and breezy humor. Sound tracks are from the sound reissue. 1925-27|92 min|B&W|1.33:1|NR
Cartoons: “Alice’s Orphan,” “Alice’s Tiny Pony,” “Alice in the Jungle,” “Alice’s Balloon Race,” “Alice Chops the Suey,” “Alice the Whaler,” “Alice Rattled by Rats,” “Alice’s Egg Plant,” “Alice the Jail Bird,” “Alice Solves the Puzzle.”
SPECIAL FEATURES: Alice in Hollywood by JB Kaufman (co-author, with Russell Merritt, of Walt in Wonderland: The Silent Films of Walt Disney); Three cartoons from the seldom seen Life Cartoon Comedy series, re-titled Krazy Kid Cartoons for their 1930 sound reissue; Synopsis of each of the cartoons on the DVD with a click to play feature.
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